Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Night at the Temple

So I moved into the temple last night. I slept great. Living conditions at the temple are simple, but very more than enough. I will be very comfortable.

Today was my last day at school. The kids here are pretty amazing. This morning at the assembly the kids took up a collection of money to help pay for my ordination. They wanted to make merit and to be involved. I really appreciated this gesture.

I won't be able to write again until April. I'll talk to everyone in April and I'll be heading back to Sacramento on April 9th.


Arlene Jane said...

Brian, I see you are having a wonderful time and am so proud of you. You know, I'm a big believer now in things not working out exactly as you plan, but I'm okay with that because those are life's ways of throwing us some adventure and mystery, and how e handle the situations is what builds our character and shows us what we are made of.

Miss you a lot and hopefully I will get to see you again someday soon.

ganeeban said...

Yay! I get to see you really soon...I can't wait to see all of the pics and hear what you learned while becoming a Monk :)